Saturday, 6 August 2016


Beautiful day for a bit of cheeky professional development in the world of ICT - the best kind! 

Off to EDUCAMP Auckland I went with the view to participating in a bit of a 'smackdown' to share the amazing motivational quiz tool that is Kahoot.  

Basically this day was filled with people who are likeminded sharing real-life ways to incorporate digital technologies and computer science into your classroom! 

SMACKDOWN SLIDES - great to refer back to for practical classroom ICT integration ideas!

My Take Aways...

Presenting - Always good to share with others things that work for you.  I shared with a group of about 8 people and although that isn't a huge number it was really cool teaching like-minded teachers something that they didn't already know! 

OSMO - Oh My Gosh...Coding for Juniors at next level! This is a very cool Ipad App coding puzzle which lets the player interact with the programme through manipulating blocks on a digital mat/pad infront of them! Sat down to try and then easily wasted the most part of an hour playing around! Would be a good intro to coding for junior children who need hands on tools to help their understanding and engagement.

Google Certified - It is a goal to become Google Certified in the near future! Not hard just a matter of finding the time! It is funny how when I looked at the papers and testing involved I already know most of the content...Bring it on!