Thursday, 11 October 2018

ULearn 2018 - Pasi Sahlberg - If you don’t lead with Small Data, you’ll be led by Big Data

Keynote - If you don’t lead with Small Data, you’ll be led by Big Data
Pasi Sahlberg


Learning analytics, algorithms and big data are knocking on the doors of many schools promising fast improvements and new
solutions to wicked problems facing schools today. In the midst of datafication educators need to remember the power of small
data: tiny clues through personal observations, collective human judgment, and raw instinct that can lead to big change in
schools. Leading with small data requires collaboration, trust and professionalism as key features of educational change.

Big data is what is behind different social medias and this is why you should consider leaving Facebook etc because it is no
longer safe.  Something to consider with Cambridge Analytica

What is BIG data?
“Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends and associations, especially relating
to human behaviour and interactions”

If you have a travel card, debit card and cellphone people can tap into and predict what you are going to do next - data mining
information about you based on your movements and looking for trends and patterns of behaviours.

Chris Anderson, 2008 - Wired
Learning to use a "computer" of this scale may be challenging. But the opportunity is great: The new availability of huge amounts
of data, along with the statistical tools to crunch these numbers, offers a whole new way of understanding the world. Correlation
supersedes causation, and science can advance even without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic
explanation at all.

Can big data make education smarter?

On one side of the coin we have BIG DATA
  • Big trends
  • Processed by machines
  • Algorithms and Analytics
  • Reveal correlations
  • Predict the future

Video (click on picture):
School: AltSchool

What is missing? - relationships, whanangatanga, connections, small data

The other side of the coin is SMALL DATA
  • Tiny clues
  • Processed by humans
  • Collective professional wisdom
  • Reveal causations
  • Understand the present

What is Small Data?

Martin Lindstrom - Small Data (book)

What do we need to do?

Build Trust-Based Professionalism

Ensure a community based thinking organisation
Relate through shared culture and values.
Through having this relationship - you can strengthen small data

Professional Wisdom as Evidence
PISA, Big Data, can’t completely cover what you need to do.
You also use Professional Wisdom as evidence (experience, wisdom, subjectiveness, values). “I think this will work / this works”.
You also need to find a balance between small data and big data to ensure effectiveness.  

Lead with small data
Look for opportunities to collect small data on students
Find the tiny clues which give you insight - eating problems, no sleep, external factors which impact on a child’s ability to learn
and develop. Looking and checking in that the work is pitched at the right level - starting with the small data and then use your
other skills, otj’s, big data to support you.

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